Tuesday 28 February 2012

Digital Art

 Digital art using Adobe CS5. Source images from the web, artist's own drawings, Typography from Pages.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Fashion design/Body adornment

Design inspired by an Italian engineering factory and a hotel in Kuala Lumpur. Modelled by artist.


 Felting Inspired by winter garden

 Stitch, walnuts and hessian, 

 Barbed wire in stitch

3 D stitch
                                                         Music, silver birch or barrier?

Life Drawing various media

3D Book Art

Silver Halide 35mm contact prints (taken with 360 degree Lomo spinner on Ilford Delta 400)

Nutrition at Bristol Zoo

360 degree photos (using Lomo Spinner Camera, Ilford Delta 400 film), shoe box and Lion Bar

Reflections on Bristol Zoo

Sunday 19 February 2012

Book Art, Text wax and clip


Sgraffito etching 350mm x350mm. African bullfrog devouring rodent

Silk screen print with lascar blocker 900mm x 650mm

                                     Silk screen print 400mm x300mm, newsprint stencil

Cyanotype print on cartridge paper 400mm x 300mm

                                       Cyanotype print on cartridge paper 400mm x 300mm

          Monotype print with water soluble crayon 250mm x 300mm

                                       Silkscreen print  400mm x 500mm,